Trade & Anti-Trust Regulation
Exclusive Distribution Agreements | Exclusive Licensing Agreements | Franchise Agreements | Lanham Act | Manufacturing Agreements | Robinson-Patman Act | Sherman Act | Treaty of Rome | Unfair Competition
Doing business in today’s complex marketplace can result in major challenges for companies at many levels. At Duffy & Sweeney, our antitrust attorney team is composed of lawyers from our litigation, corporate and intellectual property groups. This collaboration brings a wealth of experience and, ultimately, great value to our clients. We represent clients in litigation but also advise and guide them on internal processes to avoid antitrust and trade regulation problems.
We have successfully resolved significant legal matters spanning countless areas of regulation, competition and trade practices; we have handled cases involving structuring transactions, business relationships, sales practices, and Hart-Scott Rodino compliance.
We have successfully litigated issues of antitrust, trade secrets, non-competition agreements, franchising and unfair competition matters.
Our office is based on South Main Street in Providence, Rhode Island in the rapidly developing waterfront / I-195 region, connecting the East Side to Downtown and the Knowledge District. Contact us at 401.455.0700.