We welcome Michael Grandy to Duffy & Sweeney’s litigation team. Michael is admitted to practice law in Delaware and plans to take the Rhode Island Bar exam in February of 2019.
With four years of experience in corporate and commercial litigation, he was, most recently, an associate at the Delaware law firm of Connolly Gallagher LLP. He authored “Who Watches the Doc Reviewers?” which ran in The Journal of the Delaware State Bar Association in March of 2018.
During his time in Delaware, he handled an appeal from the Board of Nursing for a matter in Superior Court and won a pro bono client case in both Family Court and the Delaware Supreme Court. He prepared directors of a public company for special litigation committee interviews, ultimately facilitating a settlement. He successfully argued adverse possession in a matter in the Delaware Court of Chancery, the nation’s preeminent forum for the determination of disputes involving the internal affairs of the thousands of Delaware corporations and other business entities.
Michael was a volunteer for Delaware Volunteer Legal Services at hearings involving protection from abuse in Delaware Family Court. He was a member of the Young Lawyers Distinguished Service Award Selection Committee. He was active as a volunteer and mentor for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Delaware.
A current resident of Providence, he is a 2014 graduate of Georgetown University Law Center (J.D. cum laude) and a 2009 graduate of Colgate University (B.A. Geography).