In November, Roger Hood and Rachelle Green were part of the Employment Law and HR Conference sponsored by the Employers Association of the Northeast. Rachelle Green led a break-out session speaker covering “When To Say When: Undue Hardships Under the ADA and State Laws” and Roger Hood addressed the full conference on “The e-Workplace: Balancing Privacy and Information-Security to Manage Risk.”
Roger Hood’s presentation included analysis of key legal, technology and HR issues relating to the collection, storage and destruction of information. He addressed the factors in deciding how intensely to restrict, monitor and scrutinize employees, applicants and litigants both inside and outside the workplace’s physical and virtual walls. He covered employers’ rights to limit and act on employees’ personal social networking postings and reviewed statutory prohibitions on forced disclosure of personal logins/passwords, discoverability of social media. See Roger’s full Powerpoint here. | Contact Roger.
Rachelle Green covered what is considered “reasonable” under ADAAA, a subject that accounts for a large volume of EANE’s hotline calls. She reviewed the struggle by employers attempting to be reasonable while still attaining our business objectives. This session updated participants on what is currently considered “reasonable”. See Rachelle’s full Powerpoint here. | Contact Rachelle.
With more than 200 HR and business people in attendance, the annual event covered vital developments, court decisions, practice guidance and best-practices. Learn more about the annual EANE conference here.